Be the voice of the voiceless The holiday season is upon us, and we wish everyone a very merry Christmas and happy holidays. We would like to thank each and every one of you for your support, messages, comments, donations, your love and compassion and opening your hearts to us. Please know that we consider everyone in our community, family; Each and every one of you have helped us in giving a voice to the voiceless. In a country where there are no laws shielding or granting animals even the smallest protection against being brutalized and neglected, you have chosen to take a stand with an individual who saw suffering and injustice against these beautiful creatures and chose the difficult, near impossible, task of taking it upon himself to do what he can and save as many as he can. We are aware that not everyone understands what Hosein is saying in the videos, and we are working on making that possible, However, his passion and concern and the pain he feels for his dogs, which he calls his kids (bacheh in Farsi) can undoubtedly be heard no matter what language you speak. Hosein has always said that his aim is to let the world know how dogs are treated in this country, to bring people together so collectively we can make a difference, friends, in this country the only hope animals have are people like Hosein stepping up. The government’s solution for population control is the mass murder of these sentient beings through such cruel methods as shooting, poisoning, injecting them with acid and burying them alive. This is not just Iran’s problem this is every compassionate human’s problem for the boarders we draw on our planet don’t mean anything, we are all earthlings, every sentient being wants to live free of pain and suffering and as humans it is our divine and earthly duty to help. Our goal in the coming year is to expand our on-going work in rescuing more and more sick and injured animals, reducing the stray population significantly within the next two generations by spaying and neutering every dog we encounter, educating and softening people’s attitude towards strays and their own pets, inspiring and encouraging others to step up and help not only in Iran but across the world. This Holiday season please keep us in your thoughts and consider making a donation to our voice of the voiceless campaign. Our ultimate goal is having an area where dogs are safe and free to roam around during summer months and warm and sheltered during winter months. Our dream is for our small but safe and loving sanctuary to expand into a Haven for dogs of Gilan. ….and when God saw his human alone and suffering, he said I will create a companion for you that will be with you forever, who will be a reflection of my love for you. And no matter how selfish, cruel and unlovable you maybe, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, and because I have created this animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name and you will call him DOG.