- Sex: Male
- Found in: N/A
- Condition: N/A
- Adoption Status: N/A
- Through my work as a rescuer, I have seen a lot of animals in terrible conditions. At this point one would think nothing would shock me. But I have to say, as I am typing this I am still shocked and shaken up. Friends, pictures and videos can never capture what I saw this morning. Once again I am forced to question what has happened to humanity, if we are truly the children of God, how do you explain the evil we commit. I have no doubt that the suffering and the cries of these sentient beings will not go un-noticed or un-answered. With the help of some locals, we found this angel who is suffering terribly because someone put a a rope around his face and neck which has resulted in an acute infection.
Take a good look at Delavar's face, it is the face of agony and torment and the manifestaion of the evil that man is capable of. Ask yourselves even if the devil existed, would he be capable of inflicting so much pain and suffering? I have no doubt that man's Heinous crimes against nature and all sentient beings will bring misery that will engulf everyone and everything. We will all have to answer for these atrocities. Delavar has endured the heat of summer and chill of winter days and nights, with a tight rope around his neck. A rope so tight that it has eaten through his flesh causing an acute infection in his face. Yet his eyes are still gentle and kind.
Everyone please pray that it's not too late, that we can still save this gentle and beautiful being. Pray so that he may know some comfort and peace in this life, so that he doesnt die knowing only pain.