One of the most unfortunate things in Iran and other developing countries is the lack of respect and abuse of the natural world. It is our sincerest wish that through education we will no longer bear witness to such atrocities.
In a mere distance of roughly 100 meters, I have encountered four dead dogs that were hit by cars. Of course these poor souls were just living their lives. Once again this is a direct consequence of people's complete disregard for the law, through excessive speed and distracted driving and you wonder why bad things happen to you. You who through your neglegenc caused the death of an innocent sentient being. You who didn't even stop to see if the poor soul is still alive or dead. You who left him in the middle of the road so that he is run over, over and over again. Karma doesn't forgive, nature has its own justice. My dear people, my dear friends please just slow down and pay attention to the road.