
Thank you for your interest in adopting through Sezar Sanctuary! Below you will find the link to our questionnaire application. Once received, we will begin processing it as quickly as possible. Our process includes checking your references, a phone interview, a possible home visit, and a meet and greet (if feasible). Please be aware that we receive several applications for the same dog and we try our best to choose the application that will be the best match for that particular dog. We desire to ensure success and happiness for all those involved in the process of fostering or adopting.

We do our best to respond to each email, inquiry, and application in a timely manner. Please be sure to monitor your email account and your phone to ensure that we can contact you. Furthermore, please make sure your personal references and your landlord (if applicable) are aware that we will be calling to ensure no delays in processing your application. If you are concerned because you haven’t been contacted in a timely manner, please do feel free to follow up with us, check in, & let us that you are still interested!

There are several reasons we may choose to deny your request to foster/adopt with us. These reasons include but are not limited to: negative references, lack of permission from landlord, failed home visit, lack of understanding of needs of rescue dogs, too young, applicant name found on a “Do not adopt” list, etc.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Below please download and complete our quesstionnaire applications and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

Sezar Sanctuary Questionnaire Application