Inhumane way of trapping and relocating wildlife in Iran

  • Unfortunately not only do we not have any laws that protect the animals in this country, but there are people actively working to Sabotage any steps others are taking in implementing such laws. But than we all witness outrage from the masses whenever the atrocities are done to these poor defenseless beings. They are brutalized not only by the abusers...ignorant people and also in the hands of those who are working in the system. Instead of working to change the laws, people express outrage attack and point fingerd at those who they blame, and after a few days they completely forget, till the next video emerges. And so, this is the story of the poor animal that was captured by wild life control , only to be beaten, starved and abused, to live in agony with broken bones, and for us to point fingers at each other and question our humanity...


Inhumane way of trapping and relocating wildlife in Iran